Streaming portal for libraries
carefully curated, data protection compliant, with age verification
We are the initiator and operator of filmfriend. Our film portal was launched in 2017. Currently, over 800 libraries in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Belgium and Luxembourg are offering filmfriend to their users. You can find a list here: weristdabei.filmfriend.de
Users of participating libraries can choose from about 2,500 films, some of them award-winning and 140 series. Carefully curated collections guide users in their selection. New titles are added regularly.
Are you a library and interested in our platform filmfriend?
Benefits for libraries
Alternative solution to decreasing physical media usage
Unlimited streaming for all users
App for Apple iOS and Android mobile devices and Smart TV (Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV)
Connection to library systems such as aDIS/BMS, BIBDIA, BiblioMondo, DiviBib, winMedio, BIBLIOTHECAplus, WINBIAP, Biblis, BVS, Shibboleth, Libero, EZproxy etc.
Administration area with statistics and usage reports
Support for libraries in marketing and customer assistance
... and many more. We will gladly send you further information.

Bibliothekskund*innen und Pressestimmen
Bibliothekskund*innen und Pressestimmen
User and press reviews
Since 2024, the Kommunale Kinos and filmfriend have jointly awarded the renowned Caligari Film Prize to an innovative film from the Berlinale Forum program. The prize is endowed with €4,000 and is awarded annually during the Berlinale.
The cooperation marks the first time that a cinema association and a streaming platform have worked together. With a joint exploitation concept for cinema and streaming, Caligari award-winning films on filmfriend will be made accessible to a wide audience.
More about the Caligari Film Prize on the website of Bundesverband kommunale Filmarbeit e.V. (in German).